The HTC One M9 will be launched in India on April 14 (Tuesday). The company has just sent out invites to the media for an event in New Delhi on that date. Although the invite doesn’t explicitly mention the M9, it is safe to assume that this will be HTC’s newest flagship launch, the HTC One M9. The company announced the One M9 smartphone at the MWC 2015, in Barcelona, just over a month ago.
The HTC One M9 sports the same metallic design as its predecessor. In fact, the only difference, in terms of the design, is that the HTC One M9 has a square camera module at the back, along with some changes in the button placements on the side. Overall, the HTC One M9 looks more or less the same as the HTC One M8 before it.
The HTC One M9 sports the same metallic design as its predecessor. In fact, the only difference, in terms of the design, is that the HTC One M9 has a square camera module at the back, along with some changes in the button placements on the side. Overall, the HTC One M9 looks more or less the same as the HTC One M8 before it.
While details about the pricing and availability of the device are yet to be known, expect it to be priced somewhere around Rs. 50,000.
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