Lava has launched a new Android smartphone in India. Called the Lava Icon, the new smartphone runs Star OS based on Android KitKat 4.4 and is powered by 1.3GHz quad-core processor along with 2GB of RAM. Previous to this, Lava had launched the IRIS Octa X8 priced at Rs. 8,999. The smartphone is priced at Rs. 11,990, and will be available exclusively available on Snapdeal starting 9th April 1pm. The Lava Icon has a 5-inch HD IPS display with Asahi Dragon Trail glass. It sports 5-megapixel front camera with Omni Vision sensor, F2.4 aperture, 4P lens, BSI-II sensor with blue glass filter, and 13-megapixel camera with dual-LED flash, SONY EXMOR sensor with 5P lens and a blue glass filter. Connectivity options include 3G, Wi-Fi, Micro-USB, and Bluetooth. It is powered by a 2500mAh battery.
Commenting on the launch Mr. Navin Chawla, Vice President & Head Product, LAVA International said, “In line with our constant endeavor to offer products with great value to the consumers, we are delighted to announce the launch of our new premium smartphone- Icon. This is a beautifully designed product with a high quality camera featuring SONY EXMOR sensor and other in built features. This marks the beginning a new segment for Lava smartphones wherein we will be coming up with a new range of experience driven devices."
Commenting on the launch Mr. Navin Chawla, Vice President & Head Product, LAVA International said, “In line with our constant endeavor to offer products with great value to the consumers, we are delighted to announce the launch of our new premium smartphone- Icon. This is a beautifully designed product with a high quality camera featuring SONY EXMOR sensor and other in built features. This marks the beginning a new segment for Lava smartphones wherein we will be coming up with a new range of experience driven devices."
Tony Navin, Senior Vice President, Electronics and Home,, said, "LAVA is a fast growing brand in the Indian mobile handset industry. With this partnership, we are launching the much awaited ‘Icon’ exclusively online on This is in line with our endeavor to provide a ready platform for brands to launch their products to a nationwide audience. We are confident that we will see a positive response from our 40 million+ users on this launch". Prior to the Icon launch, Lava has focused on its Iris Fuel series of budget smartphones. Recently, it launched Fuel 10 and Iris Fuel 25 smartphones priced at Rs. 6541 and Rs. 5666 respectively. Lava also launched the Iris Fuel 20 smartphone featuring a 4400 mAh battery. Priced at Rs. 5399, the phone features 5-inch display, dual-core processor and 5MP camera. Lava also has an Iris Fuel 50 smartphone.
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